Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Welcome to Drawing Attention


This blog will serve potentially a few purposes, but that depends on you. A purpose I will achieve is to have a place where I can share my sketching skill-sets that I'm working on, and offer them to you as well, either through tutorials or progress sketches. I am by no means a professional artist, but I heavily enjoy the constant learning process of art and how it can be seen through a  variety of perspectives. I am still working on what may be considered "my style" but I have many influences that I hope to draw from. (Get it?). 

I grew up with comic books, including ones with Superheros, ducks, and everyday people, so I focus a lot of what I draw on one of those three areas typically. One of my daughters recently asked me, while sketching, why I only draw comic books or people, but not animals or scenery. While I do sketch some animals (often at the request of my kids or others request - Feel free to ask!) I for some reason always prefer people. Probably for the same reason I enjoy reading biographies, I enjoy the personification of history, rather than the history itself, or attempting to see history through the eyes of a specific lens. So, naturally, what I draw tends to be people, personified ducks, or super-infused people, and sometimes in the context of the world they live in. I do actually hope to move into other areas of artistic styles and approaches, and this blog will potentially be the vehicle in which to do so. This is where some of those other purposes (Fulfilled by you, the reader!)  - I don't want this to be a one-sided discourse, but rather a discussion, facilitated by different ideas and skills. If there is something you want me to draw, or a style in which you think it could be improved, or anything along those lines, send me a message and ask, or teach me!

I hope to inspire with art; to bring levity, brevity, longevity, or other -evities to your world, as I hope to also bring them into my own through this process. I have been sketching off and on since about 1997, and started back up about a year or two ago when my kids asked me to color and draw with them. I remembered how fun and relaxing (and stressful) it can be to just let your mind and pencil explore a blank slate, and amaze the kids with quick sketches of anything they asked for. While kids can often be our harshest critics with their honesty, they can also be amazed by seemingly insignificant, or rather, modest talents that we don't consider marvelous. 

I will share some of my past and current projects on here, and while I appreciate and encourage people to share my artwork (because I love when someone enjoys it) I would ask, as in all artistic endeavors, to give credit where credit is due when sharing.

Currently, a lot of what I have drawn of late has been posted to my Instagram account.    
You are welcome to visit there as well and see some similar posts. I will use the social presence of a blog (lest you think the posts may be redundant) to explore concepts, challenges, and skill sets in more depth on here. For while Instagram, for the most part is a great way to share pictures, videos, and brief ideas, a blog can dig deeper and explore the process more. 

I hope you enjoy! to enjoy on a greater level, I hope you participate!
